Spina Bifida Association of Georgia
Folic Acid
Folic Acid: A Vitamin for Life
Georgia Folic Acid Task Force
Mission: To reduce birth defects in Georgia by promoting the use of folic acid by women capable of becoming pregnant.
Goal: To increase the proportion of women of reproductive age who consume 400 mcg of folic acid daily from 20% to 40% by the year 2003.
What is the Georgia Folic Acid Task Force?
The Georgia Folic Acid Task Force is made up of representatives from a variety of organizations. The Task Force is committed to promoting the consumption of folic acid for the prevention of birth defects.
What does the Georgia Folic Acid Task Force do?
Since its inception in 1997, the Georgia Folic Acid Task Force has been involved in spreading the word about the importance of folic acid. Members participated in two kick-off campaigns in 1997, one with the Georgia Department of Human Resources in August and another with the Georgia Perinatal Association in September. In 1998 and 1999 the Task Force implemented a two week folic acid promotional campaign each spring around Mother’s Day. The theme for much of the promotion was preparing for healthy motherhood. Some activities included participating in the March of Dimes WalkAmerica Day, the staffing of community information tables around the state, and enclosing folic acid message cards with florists’ Mother’s Day bouquet deliveries.
Current member organizations represented on the Georgia Folic Acid Task Force are:
American Academy of Pediatrics, Georgia Chapter
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses, Georgia Chapter
Atlanta Alliance on Developmental Disabilities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Division of Birth Defects and Pediatric Genetics)
Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health
Georgia Perinatal Association
Georgia Pharmacy Association
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
March of Dimes, Georgia Chapter
Southside Health Center
Spina Bifida Association of Georgia
USDA Food and Nutrition Services, WIC